Moran Dog Meat Market

A Huge Milestone: Killing Dogs for Meat is Illegal

Guest article by Eun-Bee Kwon

For the first time in history, the South Korean court ruled that killing dogs for meat is illegal. This progress makes it one step closer to banning the consumption of canines all together.

Following the court ruling, an amendment bill to the animal welfare act has been proposed.  In this bill, it specified killing an animal is illegal except when the animal is considered as livestock, and dogs will not be considered as livestock. The bill also added when an animal is slaughtered for meat, it must be done by a method with the least pain inflicted.

Ever since the start of Free Korean Dogs, we dreamed of an end to the Korean dog meat trade. Today brings the first glimmer of hope, but we need your help to make it happen. The South Korean government is considering legislation that will outlaw dog meat farming. Please take a moment to sign the petition and help us send a clear message that this legislation needs to pass and the dog meat trade needs to end now.

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